[ 入場無料 ] Tree Of Amapiano

5/28 (Sun)
Tree Of Amapiano

[ DJ ]

[ TimeTable ]
20:00 – OPEN / START
05:00 – CLOSE

[ System ]
Entrance FREE

渋谷 道玄坂教会にて、本格的なAmapianoを根幹としたAfro Echoなパーティが始まります。筋金入りのアマピアニストの方から、Amapianoに興味があるのだけど、まだちゃんと聴いた事がないという方々迄、また、今日はAmapianoで踊りたい!って気分の方も、Amapianoの持つ懐の広さと大らかなグルーヴに身を委ねてみるのは如何ですか?エントランスもフリーなので、お気軽に日曜日の買い物帰りに一杯寄るのも良い(酔い)かも?ですよ。

An Afro Echo party will be held at Shibuya Dogenzaka Church in Shibuya, Tokyo. From hardcore amateur pianists to those who are interested in Amapiano but have never heard of it, to those who just want to dance to Amapiano today! How about surrendering yourself to Amapiano’s broad-mindedness and generous groove? Entrance is free, so you can drop by for a drink on your way home from Sunday shopping. It might be a good idea to drop by for a drink on your way home from shopping on Sunday.