[ 入場無料 ] 教会大音楽 ~ Dogenzaka VooDoo Lounge

3/12 (Sun)
教会大音楽 ~ Dogenzaka VooDoo Lounge

[ DJ ]
Echigo (TERRA / FranticBrownBeat)
+fly (hapy ride)
35DH-1 (Tree of AMAPiANO)

[ TimeTable ]
20:00 – OPEN / START
05:00 – CLOSE

[ System ]
Entrance FREE

アフリカやカリプソ、ソカにラテンから、ディープでトライバルな電子音響にアマピアノ、はたまた沖縄音楽迄、世界の様々なグルーヴで渋谷道玄坂の夜を彩る、Virtual Omni Sight Seeing感覚で楽しめるパーティ。 今回も各所で手腕を振るっているDJ諸氏が集い、道玄坂教会に濃くて深いけど心地良いグローバルな音響を響かせます!

From African, calypso, soca and Latin to deep electronic sounds, amateur piano and even Okinawan music, this is a party where you can enjoy the night in Shibuya’s Dogenzaka with various grooves from all over the world, with a sense of Virtual Omni Sight Seeing. This time, too, DJs who have been active in various fields will gather to create a dense, deep but comfortable global sound on the eve of the first anniversary of Dogenzaka Church!